
Sep 30, 2016
Summer Reading

Mohamed El-Erian, The Only Game in Town
Mohamed El-Erian is sounding the alarm bell relative to the major world economies in the years ahead. In the absence of political consensus and sound fiscal policies, it has fallen on the central banks, with increasingly narrowing resources, to pull back their economies from the abyss. El-Eriani does, however, point to other resources that can be marshalled towards a better future.

Ruchir Sharma, The Rise and Fall of Nations
Sharma’s book is not a historical work. It is about the financial crisis that began in 2008. Sharma identifies the countries that are best positioned to recover economically and those that are likely to experience continued malaise, according to certain political, social and economic measures that he applies. Sharma’s book is characterized by uncomplicated prose.

Steven Radelet, The Great Surge
This is an inspiring book. It chronicles the advances that have been made in the developing world and the positive transformations that have taken place in the lives of hundreds of millions of people across the globe. Radelet is full of optimism about what can be achieved in the years ahead.

E. H. Gombrich, A Little History of the World
This classic 1936 book, intended as a simple historical work for the young, has been an inspiration to children and future historians ever since. Through its numerous translations, it will remain so for generations to come.

Michael Greger, MD, How Not to Die
The object of this book is to provide simple nutritional guidelines in order to avoid certain illnesses and early death. The prescription for a healthy life is straightforward and I have been following it for 30 years. It is a choice that I have made.

Xi Jinping, The Governance of China
This is not a Political Science book on how China is governed. It is a collection of diverse speeches delivered by China’s president, Xi Jinping. Although they do not deal with policies, readers may find in them clues to President Xi’s principal concerns.